In addition to offering Reiki services, I also teach classes & workshops.
Upcoming Workshops
For the most up to date info, please follow me on Facebook and Instagram
Meditative Writing Webinar – October 14, 7PM est
A process of conscientiously tuning in to thoughts, emotions, feelings and sensations and using writing to explore these aspects. I use it as a tool of communication between me and my higher power. I find that when I engage in meditative writing, I’m able to access a higher perspective and I would like to share that experience with you.
We start off by creating a space of belonging. This begins simply by all of us showing up with the intention to share openly as much or as little as we are comfortable. By participating, we agree to listen to others, use wise intention and wise speech to support each other as we get vulnerable and share.
You can expect an evening of connection, creativity and meaningful insight. Click here to reserve your spot.
Attunement Classes
Reiki I and Reiki II classes are available by appointment only.
Please contact me with questions or to begin your attunment journey.
The class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience. Practice time includes giving and receiving a complete Reiki treatment using all the hand positions, the self -treatment and practice using all the Japanese Reiki Techniques.
While practice takes place during the class, it is expected that you will set aside additional time to practice after the class is over. Please commit to this additional time which might include self-treatment, practice on others (classmates, family, friends, pets, etc), and journaling. Course material includes:
- The Reiki hand positions
- Giving a complete Reiki treatment for self and others
- Japanese Reiki Techniques, as taught by Dr. Usui including: Gassho meditation, Reiji-ho – developing your intuition, Byosen Scanning – detecting where Reiki is needed, Gyoshi ho – sending Reiki with the eyes, Koki ho – using the breath to send Reiki, Kenyoku – dry bathing or clearing ones energy field, Jacki-kiri Joka-ho, clearing objects of negative energy.
- Hayashi Healing Guide
- Using Reiki for specific conditions
- The Reiki II symbols (Reiki II Class only), how to use them with practice time.
- Using Reiki to heal unwanted habits and manifest goals
- Distance healing
- 192 page class manual
- Course Companion Booklets by Nikki Watson
- Class Certificate