What is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese form of relaxation and stress relief that encourages physical, mental and emotional healing. It’s based on our energy system and can be preformed in-person and at a distance. It’s that distance style I’d like to tell you more about! Check out this short video to learn more:
Who does the Reiki? Our resident Reiki Master is Nikki Watson. Nikki has been working with the IMP since 2017 and has been practicing Reiki since 2012. If you’d like to learn more about Nikki, click here.
How does distance Reiki work? One way to think of it is like wi-fi internet access. That wi-fi signal (a form of energy) travels across the air and connects the computer to the internet where the computer downloads and uploads information. Similarly, Reiki can travel across space, be “downloaded” into your body and help you do the healing that you need.
What happens during a distance Reiki session? Nikki will contact you by phone or text (text is preferred as it is a more passive and less interruptive method) and will give you instructions on how you should prepare yourself and your space. Don’t worry! It’s very simple. The most important part is that you have a comfortable place to rest and be undisturbed for about 30-45 minutes.
How do I schedule an in-person or distance session? All IMP scheduling must be initiated through the IMP Coordinator. For more information or to schedule services, call 540-741-0642.
Can anyone use this service? Simple answer, YES! Anyone who is interested in reiki can receive it. Got a friend who might be interested? Share the info. Registered and approved MWHC Regional Cancer Patients (those currently receiving treatment and survivors) are eligible for fee-free services. For non-cancer individuals, there is a reasonable fee. For more information on pricing, go here
Have more questions? Please contact Nikki directly here